Multicultural Funeral Services
Perth is a vibrant, multicultural society. As passionate believers in over-service, Seasons works hard to make sure that we provide a burial funeral or cremation that honours and respects the traditions and protocols of a wide variety of cultures when putting loved ones to rest.
Seasons employs team members with specialised knowledge, experience of the faith, beliefs, practices and protocols of all Kiwi and Polynesian communities.
We also offer repatriation services and can arrange a funeral service or tangihanga for relatives in Australia before repatriation if requested.
Our Catholic funeral arrangers and directors take pride in organising funerals for Catholic families with careful attention and respect to all customs, rituals, faith-based protocols and any specially tailored requirements.
What matters most to us is guiding you toward the most memorable and fitting tribute possible to the person we are to farewell. This means we surpass the basics of a Catholic Mass and truly tailor your service to the faith and cultural background of the deceased, their family and their friends. We seek to touch everyone who attends, and reflect to all, the unique spirit of the departed.
Seasons also knows the smallest details are hugely important. When it comes to your flowers, photos, music, video and religious icons, your arranger will ensure every detail is exactly as wished.
Once the funeral has been organised with your Seasons personal Catholic funeral arranger you then contact the Parish Priest to plan the funeral service. Each Priest will have chosen requirements for the conduct of Christian Funeral Rites. If you require assistance your Seasons funeral arranger can help organise a Priest, if required, and the church.
Seasons is proud to have a long association with the Catholic Church in Western Australia. Whilst our dedicated Catholic arrangers are well versed in cultural intricacies, we do recommend that you discuss any specific issues that you have relating to the Catholic Church, faith and funerals with the Parish Priest in charge of the church you have chosen. Read more in our Catholic Funerals brochure
Croatian Translation
Naši organizatori pokopa i službenici su ponosni na način kojim organiziraju pokope za katoličke obitelji uz svu moguću pažnju i poštivanje svih običaja, obreda I pravila utemeljenih na katoličkoj vjeri, kao i na osobnim zahtjevima obitelji. Pročitajte više u našem hrvatskom pogreba brošuri
Our Italian funeral arrangers and directors take pride in organising funerals for Italian Catholic families with careful attention and respect to all customs, rituals, faith-based protocols and any specially tailored requirements.
What matters most to us is guiding you toward the most memorable and fitting tribute possible to the person we are to farewell. This means we surpass the basics of a Catholic Mass and truly tailor your service to the faith and cultural background of the deceased, their family and their friends. We seek to touch everyone who attends, and reflect to all, the unique spirit of the departed.
Seasons also knows the smallest details are hugely important. When it comes to your flowers, photos, music, video and religious icons, your arranger will ensure every detail is exactly as wished.
Once the funeral has been organised with your Seasons personal Italian funeral arranger you then contact the Parish. Read more in our Italian Catholic Funerals brochure
Italian Translation
I nostri organizzatori e direttori tecnici di funerali all’italiana sono fieri dell’allestimento di funerali per famiglie cattoliche di origine italiana e mostrano meticolosa attenzione e rispetto nei riguardi di tutte le usanze, i riti, i protocolli di culto e i requisiti individuali. Per saperne di più nel nostro Cattolica Italiana Funerali brochure
Our Macedonian funeral arrangers and directors take pride in organising funerals for Perth Macedonian families with careful attention and respect to all customs, rituals, faith-based protocols and any specially tailored requirements.
What matters most to us is guiding you toward the most memorable and fitting tribute possible to the person we are to farewell. This means we surpass the basics of a Macedonian service and truly tailor your service to the faith and cultural background of the deceased, their family and their friends. We seek to touch everyone who attends, and reflect to all, the unique spirit of the departed.
Seasons also knows the smallest details are hugely important. When it comes to your flowers, photos and religious icons, as well as advising you on olive oil, wine, wheat and bread, your arranger will ensure every detail is exactly as wished.
Seasons is proud to have a long association with Fr Vesko and Fr Stanko and the Macedonian community in Perth. Your personal Seasons funeral arranger will work closely with you and your priest to plan the funeral service. Because each priest has slightly different requirements, you will appreciate having an experienced funeral arranger who understands the importance of the individual Orthodox Christian funeral rites. Read more in our Macedonian Funerals brochure.